Voor deze stemwijzer is gekeken naar het Nederlandse programma en het Engelstalige EU moonshot program, aangezien deze uitgebreider is dan de Nederlandstalige variant. Volt pleit voor de invoering van een Europese ethische commissie. Daarnaast wil de partij een transparantere EU die journalisten en klokkenluiders beter beschermt. Volt wil ook dat er een nieuw lobbyregister wordt ingevoerd en dat de afkoelperiode verlengd wordt.

Bekijk het Volt verkiezingsprogramma

Relevante passages:

“(Volt heeft als doel) Europese regels af te dwingen die voorkomen dat journalisten het zwijgen wordt opgelegd, en door lobbyisten al hun bijeenkomsten te laten registreren op één platform om daarmee politici ter verantwoording te kunnen roepen.”

(ten tijde van het opstellen van deze wijzer, was het uitgebreide programma van Volt alleen in het Engels beschikbaar, daarom volgen ook Engelse passages:)

“Enhance transparency by providing detailed and comprehensible reports on the allocation and use of funds assigned to EU elected officials and supporting the disclosure of incomes and assets for all elected EU officials.”

“Create a more ambitious EU Ethics Body that serves as a dedicated watchdog to investigate and
adjudicate cases of ethical misconduct, conflicts of interest, and breaches of integrity within EU

“Furthermore, a more democratic and transparent Union also requires the protection of journalists, which may be realized through the enactment of the proposed Directive aimed at addressing abusive lawsuits called ‘SLAPPs’. Additionally, the Whistleblower Directive (EU) 2019/1937 must be amended to provide more protection for whistleblowers who collaborate with journalists to expose wrongdoing.”

“Increase the “cooling off” time between working for EU institutions and the private sector from 6 months to 12 months, to close the “revolving door” that allows unchecked and direct access by corporate lobbyists to influence EU policy.”

“Make the EU Transparency Register mandatory and introduce a legally binding code of conduct, building on the current response to Qatargate.”

“Create transparency by ensuring EU Parliamentarians and officials publish their assets and by obliging lobbyists to register meetings with EU officials in a centralised, publicly available platform.”

“Volt wants a European Democracy Act, which comprises 11 Moonshot policies, which strengthen democratic rules for the European political parties including lobbying regulations, increasing citizens’ participation in the policymaking processes, fighting corruption and hindering a democratic backslide of Member States, strengthening the protection of journalists and fighting disinformation as well as illegal data sharing.”

“Volt wants to Review the proposed SLAPPs Directive aimed at addressing abusive lawsuits that target journalists and human rights defenders and ensure that it contains adequate safeguards to protect individuals and organisations who defend fundamental rights, including environmental and climate rights, women’s rights, LGBTIQ rights, disability rights, the rights of minority racial or ethnic groups, labour rights, and religious Freedoms. The Directive should cover all individuals involved in public participation in matters of public interest. Volt is actively working at the European level to strengthen these rules and will explore the introduction of further measures that safeguard media independence at the European level.”

“Strengthen and expand protections for whistleblowers, who often collaborate with journalists to expose wrongdoing.”

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